Silent Manager
Deploy and manage secure communications across your organization.

Deploy, manage, report
Silent Manager lets you create and manage users and groups, delegate administration, implement and enforce policies, assign licenses, remotely wipe data, and handle other administrative tasks for your organization.
End-to-end encrypted & authenticated
Silent Phone makes sure your conversations are 100% private and that you’re connected only to your intended party. All encryption is done on device. No one can listen in.
No new hardware
Make secure calls with your existing iOS and Android devices. There are no special headsets or SIM cards. You don’t need a single-purpose phone. With Silent Phone, no new hardware is required.
Silent Phone is easy to deploy and manage in an enterprise environment. It requires no end-user training. It supports SSO, SIEM systems, and can be deployed via MDM. You and your team will have a dedicated client liaison and direct access to our highly trained technical support staff.

Advanced user management
With Silent Manager, all user management happens in one place. Users can be added in bulk, one at a time, or automatically via integration with your existing corporate identity provider using Single Sign-On. Making changes is easy with advanced search and bulk updates.
Create groups and delegate
Silent Manager lets you organize your users into groups. You can appoint team leaders for each group and delegate group administration to these leaders. Silent Manager also makes it easy to apply policy changes to entire groups.